Sierra Freak Com

El alumnado de 1º bachillerato que cursa 'Patrimonio' actualmente y con la inestimable colaboración de su profesora Consuelo Vargas, han querido celebrar un día especial sobre Japón y Corea en nuestro instituto y para ello han querido mostrar a todo el alumnado de nuestro centro escolar un sin fin de actividades desde talleres de manga y origami, qué es lo típico de su cultura (comida, baile, dibujos animados, películas, música, historia, geografía...), todo unido a alumnado vestido con maravillosos Cosplays y bailando al son de la música K-pop.

¡Gran trabajo chicos-as y enhorabuena!

The 1st Baccaulaurate with Heritage as one of their elective subjects and with the colaboration of their teacher Consuelo Vargas have celebrated a very special day about Japan and Korea in our high school. Therefore, they have created and designed an endless list of activities for everyone, including manga and origami workshops, an exhibition about their culture (food, geography, music, dancing, manga, history...) as well as many students wearing their wonderful Cosplays and dancing the K-pop music!

Great job pupils and congratulations!